We believe ads should help sellers grow their businesses and contribute to the overall member experience. SwiftGyft offers sellers multiple advertising channels to promote their listings and/or shops. This Advertising & Marketing Policy explains your rights and responsibilities when using SwiftGyft's advertising services.
This policy was published on March 20, 2020. It will take effect on March 21, 2020.
This policy is a part of our Terms of Use. By using any of SwiftGyft's advertising services, you're agreeing to this policy and our Terms of Use. This Advertising & Marketing Policy may change over time, per the terms of SwiftGyft's Terms of Use. By continuing to use SwiftGyft's services you agree to those changes.
1. SwiftGyft Ads
2. Offsite Ads
3. CPC Ads
1. SwiftGyft Ads
Sellers can purchase paid advertising on SwiftGyft through the Advertising Dashboard in Sellers Manager. SwiftGyft Ads display a seller's listings or product deals on SwiftGyft's websites and mobile apps. SwiftGyft Ads are displayed in one or more locations, such as users' search results, based on at least four main ranking factors: search relevancy, location, listing quality (including compliance with SwiftGyft's policies), the bids (or amount budgeted for bids) to display the listing, and for some listings, likelihood of views or sales. You may choose to promote some or all of your listings or shops as SwiftGyft Ads.
Your listings or shops may also be included, at SwiftGyft's sole discretion, in other marketing and third party advertising programs as laid out in Section 5 of SwiftGyft's Terms of Use.
A. Purchasing SwiftGyft Ads
SwiftGyft Ads are based on an auction for ad space on SwiftGyft’s properties. SwiftGyft enters "bids" for this ad space on your behalf based on a daily budget you set (or if available, by your submission of maximum cost-per-click bids). Specifically, SwiftGyft Ads are placed from highest bids from top to bottom depending on the highest to lowest amount of bid. For example, if a seller places a bid higher than the second bidder, their ad is place on a higher position and more SwiftGyft Ads qualify for a particular search query, the auction or bid price to be on top may also increase. Therefore, the actual costs you incur will vary depending on the number of participants in the auction and their bid price amounts. A bid is the maximum amount of money you will be charged if a buyer clicks on your SwiftGyft Ad. SwiftGyft’s calculation of bids is based on information you provide, such as your daily budget or the listings you wish to include for SwiftGyft Ads. It may also be based on other information collected by SwiftGyft, such as, for example, search relevancy, listing quality (including compliance with SwiftGyft's policies), or likelihood of views or sale. For more information on the factors that go into SwiftGyft search relevancy, see SwiftGyft’s Ultimate Guide to Search.
SwiftGyft Ads fees are charged on a cost-per-click (or "CPC") basis via a bidding system such as described above, and you are responsible for paying for any clicks your ad receives. This means that you will be charged only when your ad is clicked, not simply when it is displayed. By providing a budget for SwiftGyft to enter bids on your behalf (or providing bid amounts yourself if available), you agree to pay any amount up to and including the bid amount for a click on your ad. When seller sets their bid or if seller changes bid, they will be charge the amount.Your daily maximum budget can be set at or above a predetermined minimum determined by SwiftGyft and you will not be charged more than your maximum budget on a daily basis. All bids are made in United States dollars (USD). You may pause an ad campaign at any time, but you will still be responsible for any charges incurred prior to pausing your campaign. SwiftGyft is not able to grant refunds for any charges related to clicked ads.
Your ad costs will be visible in your payment account and on the attribution page of the SwiftGyft Ads dashboard, typically within 24 hours of when the fee has been incurred, along with other pending fees, such as listing fees. These costs and fees may be charged on a recurring basis.
B. Setting an SwiftGyft Ads Budget
You can set a budget to limit the amount you're willing to pay for SwiftGyft Ads to promote your listings or shops on SwiftGyft. Your daily budget can be set at or above a predetermined minimum set by SwiftGyft and you will not be charged more than your maximum budget on a daily basis. SwiftGyft Ads does not generally permit you to set a cost per click bid amount. In some circumstances, SwiftGyft may decide to allow the setting of a maximum cost per click bid, subject to minimum bid requirements set by SwiftGyft, budget limitations, and the other requirements described above.
If you make any edits to your SwiftGyft listings during your campaign, your ads will be updated automatically to reflect those changes, although those updates may not be instantaneous.